Electric characteristics of Cu Al clad plate
News | 2022-04-25 17:58
Cu Al clad plate not only has the advantages of high electrical conductivity, easy brazing, low contact resistance, light weight and economy, but also avoids the problem of easy oxidation and corrosion of aluminum, and is often used as a conductor and conductor connection material. Among them, the rectangular section conductor (flat row) has the advantages of small resistance increase coefficient, good heat dissipation, simple installation and convenient connection, etc., and is widely used in circuits with an operating current not greater than 4000A. In order to design a rectangular-section copper-aluminum composite conductor with low impedance, low loss, and good mechanical and thermal properties, it becomes very important to accurately consider the skin effect and calculate the effective resistance and impedance. Due to the different physical parameters of copper and aluminum, the cross-sectional shape and structure (width-to-thickness ratio, copper layer distribution position and area ratio) are important to the
electric characteristics of Cu Al clad plate.
The electrical conductivity of
Cu Al clad plate is theoretically calculated by numerical integration method. The results show that when the ratio of section size and copper layer area is constant, the resistance increase coefficient of the clad plate when the copper layer is located on the narrow side is smaller than that when the copper layer is located on the wide side. Taking the section size of 0.06m × 0.01m as an example, considering the factors of cost and power loss, the copper layer area ratio SA = 10% to 40%, the composite board has better performance when the copper layer is located on the narrow side. Electrical conductivity and higher cost performance.